Choose what to release is difficult to predict. It is determined how a song comes together. I have several songs which I would love to release, but the recordings of the songs just don’t feel right for various reasons. Working as a solo… Continue Reading →
You get up early, you come home late, day after day. You are sat in traffic on the way to work and coming home. What is it for? If only you could escape, but we have commitments, people we love… Continue Reading →
Twenty twenty was supposed to be the year that I returned to performing live. I have even bought a new amp. Of course, I already had my beautiful Musicman 210RD, but that amp maybe good for playing my electric guitar through but no good for small… Continue Reading →
This song came in a dream, which woke me, and I wrote it down. I think that this is the only song that I have written this way, sure I have had songs that come to me in dreams, but none other… Continue Reading →
I thought on the back of my last post I would upload the video of our live performance of We’ll Leave This Town. This video was 404’s first gig prior performed at The Station Hotel in Billingham January 19th, 1990…. Continue Reading →
This song was inspired by Bruce Springsteen‘s Born To Run. The desire to escape the limitations of life in a small town and to follow the dream. Verse OneSomewhere out there, there lies and answer.A childhood dream I long to… Continue Reading →
Last night I read that Rupert Hine had died. It was Rupert Hine who was instrumental in getting our record deal with BMG records and our publishing contract with EMI Music Publishing for that I will be forever thankful for…. Continue Reading →
This is an old song which I performed in my old band 404. When I wrote this song, I was inspired by the song Out In The Fields performed by Gary Moore & Phil Lynott. Both of them born in… Continue Reading →
Don’t read this, I am bored and trying to write something that probably should be left unsaid, especially if my wife had anything to do with it. But it is a blog and I should write something. I wish I could… Continue Reading →
It is a funny thing relationships, sometimes you can be together with the one you love and yet there may has well be an ocean between you. Was it something that you said, did they think that you were looking… Continue Reading →
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