John Robert Hunter

Music is the Soundtrack to Life

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Living This Way

I wrote this song when I was working away so it is a song that is very much a song that is close to my heart. Separation is never easy for lovers, and for me I found it a difficult time…. Continue Reading →


I still love this song after all these years, not lot has changed. The press/media build up things to sell papers or to gain more viewers, not caring about the truth as it doesn’t sell their product. They will paint… Continue Reading →

The Joker

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love comicbook movies, from Marvel to DC. When Tim Burton released his Batman movie it blew me away, finally we had something darker, closer Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns graphic novel, which… Continue Reading →

Feeling sad tonight

It is about 32 years since I lost my Aunty Bet. She was a gentle soul. She was someone who was there for me when people who should have been turned away. I often feel haunted. Feelings of how I… Continue Reading →

More To Life

Life is tough and we must make choices, sometimes those choices are for love and sometimes not. What are we but slaves to the machine? What was the line in that song that Sting sung? If you love someone set… Continue Reading →


I have one of those faces, which goes from looking grumpy/sad/in a bad mood, to the other extreme. I found myself often misjudged and left feeling that I don’t fit in. I am most happy when I am around creative/interesting people. My… Continue Reading →

She Moves Me

I was very much in my Beatles phase when I wrote this song and couldn’t call it She Loves Me, could I? Anyway this is a fun song that I wrote and I hope that you like it. Verse 1Nobody… Continue Reading →

I Don’t Think That I Can Live With This

Relationships are difficult, made even more difficult without trust. How does the saying go? The more you try to hold onto something the quicker it will slip through your fingers. Sometimes I had really been so close to walking away,… Continue Reading →

Leland Sklar on YouTube

YouTube is an excellent source for any musician and songwriter, not only for the entertainment and promotional value, but for the chance to be able to share your life an passion. I subscribe to many different YouTube channels, most of… Continue Reading →

Black On Track

In these times when it is difficult to play in front of an audience, it is really nice to have Matt Black on the scene with his radio show Black on Track. If you haven’t heard his show yet, you… Continue Reading →

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