John Robert Hunter

Music is the Soundtrack to Life

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A Scottish Adventure – Part 2

We woke up to a beautiful view the loch was like glass and I rushed out to take these photos. The stunning views are one thing that love about Scotland, I never tire of them. I could just sit there… Continue Reading →

Looking for fun

It takes forever for me to get things done; it is just the pressure of.. well life! I have got a week away from it all, so hopefully I can make some ground on the many songs that still are… Continue Reading →

A Scottish Adverture – Part 1

I have just returned from holiday in Scotland. We stayed at two fantastic locations and were rewarded with some amazing photos of our week away. My wife tells me that her heart belongs to Scotland, she loves walking the highlands… Continue Reading →


It has been over 6 months since I released anything, I have shared my songs on my Reverbnation page as well as via my website which is the main place to find my songs. I am working on loads of… Continue Reading →

I Need Your Love

When you feel that your world is falling apart as John Lennon wrote “Love is the Answer” The love from the people who love you can help you get through it. This song was written in such a time. Verse… Continue Reading →

Lost in the Night

Nothing worse than havin an argument at home and feeling there is nowhere to go. This song for all those who find themselves lost in the night trying to decide whether to run or stay. Verse OneHere I am, I’m… Continue Reading →

Killers in the Dark

There have been so many good movies about vigianties, serial murders that continue to tap into our fear of the night and what may lie there. All these movies imply that the police were under manned, that even when they… Continue Reading →


This is one of my favourite songs that I recorded with my old band and one that I am most proud of. I love the arrangement, there are shades of Genesis about it. The song was written after I watched… Continue Reading →

What Do You Do?

I love this song, even after all these years it still resonates. It is one of the last songs that we recorded, and I love the guitar work on this song. It is ironic that musically we were getting better, closer to being what we wanted to… Continue Reading →

My first bass guitar

It has been a long time since I had the opportunity to work with a good bass player. The last bass player that I recorded and performed with was Tony Stewart, he was great to work with and if things had… Continue Reading →

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