John Robert Hunter

Music is the Soundtrack to Life

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Too Much A Gypsy

Following on from where the song “Love I Denied” left off, the song “Too Much A Gypsy” follows. At the stage of my life that I wrote it, it was one of my biggest fears. I wondered would never settle… Continue Reading →

Well Done, Susie

I am very proud of my wife, she started her website about 10 years ago, as a way to share stories of our lives and her recipes so that friends and family could make the dishes that she had… Continue Reading →

Nothing Stays The Same (I hate that life has changed!)

Sometimes it is so difficult to find two minutes to yourself. I remember the silence of Sundays, the shops were closed, virtualy everyone was off work, the pubs and shops had restricted opening hours. No computers, next to nothing on… Continue Reading →

Second Time

This song is about second chances and not rolling over just because someone destroyed everything you had and who you were seen to be. Reputations, once destroyed are very difficult to redeem. Doors close and you may as well be… Continue Reading →

Living On The Edge (Of Time)

This song was written at the end of the last cold war, Sting had released Russians and Frankie Goes to Hollywood had released Two Tribes. People were getting arrested for protesting at Greenham Common and the future of the world… Continue Reading →

Won’t You Please Come Back

This is one of my favourite songs and was written back in 1983 and it has taken this long to finally release it and now you can find on Spotify, Amazon Music.iTunes. I was asked about this song recently and… Continue Reading →

Christmas Angels

Christmas is drawing closer in a matter of days it will have come and gone. It is so sad that this period passes so quickly. These are difficult times for sure, there is so much uncertainty. It is hard to… Continue Reading →

Summer Days

Spending much of my early childhood in New Zealand made a big impression on me. The weather was good and the winter’s warmer. Out the back of where we lived in Auckland there was a little bamboo forest in which… Continue Reading →

To Be With You

“You see yourself, you see only faults” What do you say to the one you love, when they don’t believe that you want to be with them and that you want someone else? How many times to we have to… Continue Reading →

Summer Days

Spending much of my early childhood in New Zealand made a big impression on me. The weather was good and the winter’s warmer. Out the back of where we lived in Auckland there was a little bamboo forest in which… Continue Reading →

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