Losing my recording contract followed by losing my house was very traumatic period and yes I did drink more than I do now, but I wasn’t as bad as the song suggests. I had fun going to the extreme on… Continue Reading →
This song was written when I lost my great aunty Bet. Prior to my wife, she had been the person who had looked after me providing me with shelter when no one else would. She had a generous heart and… Continue Reading →
I used to live with my aunty in Hartlepool, next door to her lived an old lady and I’d often hear her screaming in the middle of the night. She was well over 90 and suffered from Alzheimer’s. It is… Continue Reading →
This is a very personal song for me. I have heard so many times people exclaiming that world owed them something. Life isn’t fair and that is a fact, if it was the good would be venerated and evil would be… Continue Reading →
Isolation is a terrible thing, sometimes the only voice you hear is on the TV or the radio and you need something to help you focus on what you want in life. They say it is so easy to give up,… Continue Reading →
This style of this song was influenced by Mark Knopfler and Dire Straits, who were coming out with such classics as “Romeo & Juliet”, “Telegraph Road”, and “Private Investigations” I think when I look back on it, I now see… Continue Reading →
The song “Sarah” was the third song that I wrote. It is a simple love song that displays and innocence I no longer feel I have. I cannot imagine that I could write a song like this today, it has… Continue Reading →
I have started to move my music website into a new format, which will make it more accessible. Due to the amount of song I have written it is going to take a long time to populate this website so… Continue Reading →
Rory Gallagher’s album is a very personal one. It was recorded at Maison Rouge Recording Studios in London while my band 404 were recording our album with Rupert Hine for BMG Records. While recording our album Foreign Land, which I… Continue Reading →
I spent some time in Sydney, Australia. It a wonderful place full of friendly people, but being a stranger in a strange city I was out of my comfort zone for a while and for the first time I noticed… Continue Reading →
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