John Robert Hunter

Music is the Soundtrack to Life

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Age Of Innocence

Age Of Innocence is a song that was inspired by a birth in the family. When the first one comes we all know that changes will come, suddenly we will have to be responsible no more swanning off to places… Continue Reading →

Lost Without You

Anyone who has to work away from home I am sure will get this song. Life today makes us part time husbands and wives, as work gets scarce we end up travelling further afield to find work. The only way… Continue Reading →

Come Down To Earth

It is funny how you write a song about what you see about someone else and how time passes, only to discover that those same faults or traits were in yourself. This is a very Beatles type song and I… Continue Reading →

Truth & Lies

Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler had such an influence on my writing style that I guess Truth & Lies is my homage to “Private Investigations”. The song is obviously about the thought of betrayal and the the guilt that is… Continue Reading →


After backpacking around Australia and gaining such positive feedback, we came back to England to write and record songs with determination to get that record contract. Change was written and recorded in the 1988 recording session and it is one… Continue Reading →

Without You There For Me

We all know that life is a journey that has many dead ends, hold ups. Often we are lost as we cannot find our way its at times like these we see the true value of our friends, wives &… Continue Reading →

Breaking Out

I love gangster movies, especially the classic old black and white ones like James Cagney in the movie “White Heat” or “Public Enemy” have something that the modern gangster movies don’t. People back at the time of the American gangster… Continue Reading →

The Family

Growing up is never easy and it is often made harder by parents seeing a teenager’s need for independence as rejection. Being tidy is not in my nature, although I do like for things to be tidy. For some the… Continue Reading →

I Turn Away

The backgound story to “I Turn Away” comes from while we were in London recording our album, I noticed the how many beggers and homeless people there were, it shocked me and shamed me. I can understand how people faced with… Continue Reading →

Have You No Shame

I see people here in England getting passionate about how England is in the wrong for invading Iraq, having troops in Afghanistan and some of these people seem to support become terrorists themselves in what they see as a justified… Continue Reading →

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