John Robert Hunter

Music is the Soundtrack to Life

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Distant Lights

Rebuilding your life when all you treasured has gone is hard, sure the drink helps you get through the night but you still are alone. The distant lights tempt you but can you go on while still grieving? Verse 1… Continue Reading →

The Weekend

I work hard, I pay my dues, and I get byIt’s a long, hard week, no 9 to 5, but I surviveWorking and sleep is all I do, ain’t much of a lifeWorking still and dreaming I’ll be free Every… Continue Reading →

What’s Going On?

This song was recorded in the run up to recording our album Foreign Land Verse 1 I give you love, you give me lies. I offer hope, but you just won’t try. When I come home, you’re just like ice…. Continue Reading →

Teenage Thing

Teenagers are such hard work, girls are especially hard. I remember when my little god daughter would always give me a cuddle, as a teenager I sometimes think that she has devolved and lost the power of speech. I see… Continue Reading →

My Wicked Way

Work in progress, looking to add a second vocal Verse One Its Saturday night, I’m spending all my money this busy little bee is looking for some honey. I’m a sinner won’t you save me What you gonna do? Are… Continue Reading →

Don’t Give Up

This was written while I was recording our album. It should have been the best time of my life after all we had our recording contract with BMG Records, we had Rupert Hine producing us, we had a music publishing… Continue Reading →

A Game For Fools

This simple two verse song was written before I met my lovely wife so if love is a game for fools, then I am a happy fool. Twenty plus years with my wife and my best friend not too bad. Verse… Continue Reading →

Good Friends

After the trials and tribulations of the end of the record contract, publishing deal, manager, my band and losing someone who I thought of as my best friend I looked around and found that not all was lost. I have… Continue Reading →

Your Love Is All

This is one of my early solo recordings. Despite the recording many flaws it has an innocence that I would find difficult to recreate. Verse 1 Darkness it draws in quickly, shadows they fall around me and here you are… Continue Reading →

There’s Only You Revisited

Just finished my first recording of 2015 recorded using my new recording equipment which now includes an Epiphone Nighthawk, Apogee Jam, AKG Perception 220 condenser microphone, M-Audio Keystation 88es and Logic Pro X. I am looking forward to having a… Continue Reading →

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