Trusting someone not to break your heart takes time. When you are alone, yes, you are lonely but time is your own, although the value of that time with no one to share it is a different matter. I know heartbreak as many people do, time heals a little and sometimes you feel that it is not worth it, but I have now been married for over 30 years and that doesn’t happen unless what you have is worth something. At the beginning there were questions whether it would work between us. We both have very strong opinions, my wife is less likely to ruffle feathers, unless it is mine, but we have made it work. I recorded this song because my wife told me that I don’t play my guitar and sing to her anymore. I just sit up stairs and work on the arrangements, which to be honest takes a long time , but this once I sat in then kitchen and opened one of my songbooks, I have three and started to sing some of the old songs. This one stuck out as it works so well just as an acoustic guitar vocal song, so I thought that I would record it and share it.

I think that it is a beautiful song, if not a little too sad, but at the end of it I did take the leap of faith and I have not been disappointed. We have had some amazing times together, and for that reason the song is very special to me as it it is about trust and letting go of the past.

If I gave my heart, I could not take the pain of losing you
So I’ll stay here on my own
Heartbreak, you can’t control it
Someday, you too will know it
Heartbreak, no, you can’t control

There was a girl, a long time back
Yes I fell in love, but then one day she turned her back

It’s a tough break, oh yes, I know it, a bad break, but who could know it
To this day, I’m here on my own
Don’t promise to always love me, don’t promise that you can show me
Don’t promise, what you can’t control

There was a girl, a long time back
Yes I fell in love, but then one day she turned her back

I’m in a bad way, you say you love me
You say you really care for me, you say I’m hurting you so
Should I trust you? I don’t like hurting you
And loving you could be so easy
But if I do, I won’t be on my own
Not be on my own,
Here on my own